Epsom salts (Magnesium sulfate) in a rustic wooden scoop - relaxing bath concept

Acne plagues people of all ages. And, when it comes to treating acne, the majority of us envisage face packs, lotions and lotions to treat acne. What if you have acne on your back? Have you ever thought of approaches to take care of it? Leave alone the look. What concerning the itching and irritation? Can you imagine how infuriating it can be? Well, there is an effective topical solution which may be integrated in your skin care regimen. Now, if this brings a sigh of relief, keep reading to learn the part of Epsom salt in treating back acne.

Epsom salt

What is Epsom salt? It is naturally occurring magnesium sulfate derived from sea water. It includes magnesium sulfate crystals and contains valuable medicinal properties which may help reduce acne, relieve sore joints or muscles, and function as a magnesium supplement. Epsom salt acts as an acne medication by entering your skin.

In flip side, its curative property is credited to your skin’s capacity to absorb the nutrient. While magnesium acts as a stress reliever, sulfur has antiseptic properties which are useful in treating acne, warts and herpes. It is cheap and easily available at a chemist’s shop or grocery store.

An Effective Home Treatment for Back Acne

That stated, you are probably curious to know how to use Epsom salt as a natural cure for acne. Perhaps, you are concerned about how to accomplish your back! Well, that is the major issue that Epsom salt therapy addresses. It can be used on your bath. Add about a cup of Epsom salt in your bathtub while the water is running. Soak in the tub and relax for about a quarter of an hour.

Remember to not combine it with other goods, such as bath foam. The quarter-hour soak promotes absorption and circulation to rejuvenate your skin. The magnesium present in Epsom salt activates enzymes and aids in the regulation of skin nutrients, such as Vitamin D, zinc and potassium. The sulfur flushes out toxins and improves the nutrient absorbing capacity of the body.

Never rub the salt right on your skin because it’s abrasive and may lead to skin damage. Another point to consider is that magnesium can interfere with calcium absorption. So, keep your eye on your calcium intake in order to avoid any deficiencies. Though topical acne remedies can bring the essential relief, you need to address other areas that affect your health, such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress etc.

Adequate fluid intake helps keep your skin hydrated. Vitamins have an essential role in all your physiological processes, including skin. For example, correct administration of Vitamin B5 can help your skin metabolize oil in a better way. This procedure is well-demonstrated in Clearade reviews. So, check if you require acne vitamins or alternative health supplements.

Epsom salt may also be utilised as a scrub by mixing it with oatmeal. Alternatively, you might prepare a mask by mixing it with cognac, milk and lime juice. Or you can just soak cotton at a way of Epsom salt and water and set it on the affected area for a couple of minutes. Or, mix about half a tablespoon of the salt on your daily cleansing cream to gain from its exfoliating property. So, Epsom salt may form an extensive natural acne treatment to tackle all of your acne issues.