Multi Colored, Kaleidoscope abstract background

Chromotherapy or Color Therapy is making its way back to the forefront of society. Thought to have its infancy with Ayurvedic medicine, Color Therapy was used as an early form of healing practiced in India for centuries. Equally there’s historical reference in the Chinese and ancient Egyptian civilization also. With Chinese medicine, each organ is associated with a color. Ancient Egyptians constructed solarium-type rooms, which may be fitted with coloured panes of glass. The sun would shine through the glass and flooding the individual with color.

Avicenna (980-1037), who saw color to be of crucial significance in diagnosis and treatment, made important contributions to Chromotherapy in The Canon of Medicine. He wrote, “Color is an observable symptom of disorder” and developed a graph that related colour to the temperature and physical state of the body. His opinion was that red moved the bloodstream, white or blue cooled it, and yellowish reduced muscular inflammation and pain. He further discussed the properties of colours for healing and was the first to establish that the wrong colour suggested for treatment could elicit no response in certain ailments. For instance, he observed that a individual having a nosebleed shouldn’t gaze at matters of a vibrant red color and shouldn’t be exposed to red light since this could excite the sanguine humor, whereas blue could soothe it and decrease blood circulation.

We know that colour is light with varying wavelengths. This light energy affects all living cells. Used in the correct way, these different frequencies of light, i.e. colour, may have a deep and healing effect on all production, human or otherwise.

Color Therapy may be used for almost any issue whether, physical, psychological, mental or spiritual for certain issues as well as for relaxation treatment. Color Therapy is secure and used either independently or alongside other therapeutic treatments. Color energy is supposed to be the catalyst for our recovery process and promotes normal and healthy workings of their human body.

A typical method of identification in using color is by means of the Luscher color test, developed by Max Luscher from the early 1900s. When performing Chromotherapy, light and color is applied to certain areas and acupoints on the body. Some of the tools used for applying colours are gemstones, candles, wands, prisms, colored fabrics, bath treatments, and coloured lenses or eyeglasses. Therapeutic color can be treated in a variety of ways, but can be combined with hydrotherapy and aromatherapy in an effort to heighten the curative effect.

What’s the significance of color and how can it heal? Some color therapists begin with the chakras and their corresponding positions in the human body. There are seven of those chakras and each is associated with a specific organ or system in the body. Each chakra has a dominant colour, but these colours may become imbalanced. If it happens it can lead to disease and other physical effects. By introducing the suitable colour, these maladies could be fixed. Below is a description of each chakra and its corresponding colour.

    • Red: First Chakra: Located at the base of the spine.
    • Orange: Second Chakra: pelvis area
    • Yellow: Third Chakra: solar plexus
    • Green: Fourth Chakra: heart
    • Blue: Fifth Chakra: throat
    • Indigo: Sixth Chakra: lower portion of the forehead
    • Violet: Seventh Chakra: top of the head

Color therapists also say that we absorb colour energy not only through the eyes but also through the skin and the electro magnetic field or aura.

Your colour preferences can tell a expert Color Therapist a fantastic deal about you. Color options can indicate where there might be an imbalance of colour, which may highlight a potential problem; if emotional, physical, mental or spiritual and gives indications of personality problems, which might have to be addressed.

A professionally qualified Color Therapy practitioner can enable you to understand your colour preferences, and really your requirement for some color or colors.

Color should be a part of our daily life, not just something we encounter for an hour or two with a therapist. Color is all around us everywhere. This terrific planet doesn’t contain all the gorgeous colours of the rainbow without any reason. Nature and its colors aren’t only here by chance, everything in nature is here for a purpose. Color is no exception.