figure of a man sitting on a roll of toilet paper holding his stomach, diarrhea, abdominal pain, food poisoning, intestinal infection

If you are suffering from constipation, you’re no doubt looking for some answers to bring relief. Treatments for constipation vary with the type of constipation from which you’re suffering. Most individuals don’t understand that they should have 1 bowel movement for each meal they eat. At a minimum people should have two bowel movements daily.

The Reasons

If you experience constipation for more than one week, you should see your healthcare provider to ascertain the cause of your problem. Most people are suffering as a result of lifestyle changes and choices. For many people, though, constipation can signal a more serious problem like a bowel obstruction or even colon cancer. If your bowel movements smell foul it is your body giving you a warning sign! Listen to your body.

If you are diagnosed with a bowel obstruction, you and your doctor will need to make a decision about appropriate treatment. If you are suffering from constipation as a result of lifestyle, there are lots of treatment options for you.

Changing your diet

People who have chronic constipation will almost certainly require a change in diet. Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet can help relieve chronic problems with constipation. Eating raw fruits and vegetables, brown wild rice, flaxseeds, bran and whole grain cereals will provide a good source of fiber.

Adding exercise

Additionally, it is important to increase the amount of activity you’re getting. Starting an exercise program can help regulate your bowels. Exercise can be as simple as taking a brisk 20 minute walk every morning of day.

Keeping your body hydrated

People who suffer from constipation are often dehydrated. Make sure to drink 6-8 glasses of purified water every day. Avoid tap water!

Tap water can contain harmful chemicals, viruses and bacteria. I recommend adding raw organic apple cider vinegar to the water you consume. Organic apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries as a cure for a wide range of health issues.

Be wary of laxatives

Try to prevent over-the-counter laxatives. They tend to be quite harsh on the large intestine and overuse can actually cause more problems with constipation. Laxatives can cause serious health problems like diarrhea, bloating, dehydration and damage to the intestinal lining.

Herbal remedies

Many herbal supplements are intended to assist in constipation. If you choose to try an herbal remedy, be certain you talk to your physician first. Some herbal remedies interfere with prescription drugs you might be taking. We propose the following: Pure aloe vera, ginger, senna, yerba mate.

Improve your bowel habits

Try to go the bathroom at exactly the exact same time each day, after meals and when you feel the urge. Give yourself enough time to visit the bathroom. Never, Never hold in a bowel movement.

Cleanse the colon weekly

It might be a great idea to start a colon-cleansing program every week that will help remove impacted feces from the large intestine. It’s ideal to take part in a program, like using oxygen colon cleansers such as”Oxy-Powder”, that is non-invasive and won’t remove the good bacteria in the large intestine. Oxy-Powder will also deliver oxygen into your system. This is the key used by the celebrities in Hollywood.

It’s always best to seek the advice of a health care professional before starting any treatment option. Everyone’s body is a bit different. You’ll want to be certain your treatment choice is safe and will be effective for your body.