Whole and sliced ripe organic lemons on wooden table.

Their precise origins are unknown but they’re thought to come from Asian countries like India, China and the northern parts of Burma where the natives knew of the health benefits of lemons. Around 1 A.D. they arrived in Europe but weren’t cultivated until the 15th century. Finally from the 18th and 19th centuries lemons made their way into the United States where they started to be utilised as an ingredient in recipes and beverages. Currently the Untied States ranks seventh in global lemon production, behind India, China and Mexico.


There ten varieties of lemons which are grown globally, but it is the Eurkea you will find in most supermarkets since it grows year round although their peak growing season is April to August.

Vitamins and Minerals

Lemon juice has only 29 calories in half a cup of juice (a lemon, when refrigerated, comprises just 3 tablespoons of juice) with a trace amount of fat and a little protein. Eating the pulp will net you 2 and a half grams of fiber also. Lemons are high in vitamin C but also have vitamin A, both B1 and B2 vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin), Niacin, Folate, Panthoetic Acid, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E.

In terms of minerals, lemons are high in phosphorus and potassium. Other minerals found in lemons include magnesium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, manganese, magnesium and copper.

Health Benefits of Lemons

Over the years lemon juice has been used to treat and cure many ailments and is a powerful ingredient in a number of other treatments. It may be drunk every day as a preventative measure. Lemon juice should be your first thought when you will need a remedy.

The juice can be used to help with indigestion like heartburn, bloating and belching as itcan cleansing the liver and promotes it to produce more bile that aids digestion. Recent research also indicates that it will help to decrease the case of gallstones. Constipation and bowel problems can be relieved because lemon juice will help to remove waste from the body quickly so a juiced lemon acts as an all round digestive tract increase.

Lemon juice is great to use as flavoring for individuals on low-salt diets because it’s high in potassium that helps to regulate blood pressure.

It helps clear up urinary tract infections and aids in treating arthritis and rheumatism because if flushes out toxins and bad bacteria.

Lemon juice has antiseptic properties and can clear up skin blemishes, reduce wrinkles and help fight aging.

When you’re sick with a cold lemon juice may reduce the quantity of phlegm. Additionally, it combats throat infections, sore throats and tonsillitis as a result of its antibacterial properties. It may also be used to treat a fever by drinking the juice of one lemon blended with warm water every hour until the fever breaks.

Respiratory disorders are treated and cured by drinking lemon water. Diabetes may also be prevented or controlled this way.

Feeling down? Lemon juice helps alleviate mental stress and depression. It’s just the ideal food to eat when you will need a mood boost or have difficulty concentrating.

The high levels of antioxidants in lemon juice imply that it might help it preventing cancer and surely acts to decrease the amount of toxins in the skin and blood.

Healing Properties

The freshly squeezed juice has a great many advantages for many different skin conditions. Mix some lemon juice with glycerin to cure chapped skin. This works equally well on hands, feet and legs. And as a preventative there’s some evidence that applying to skin before sun exposure to help prevent skin damage. If the skin was burnt, use of the juice, though it is going to bite, helps to fade the scars look more rapidly. Additionally, it acts as a cooling agent and decreases the burning sensation.

Over the centuries, it’s been used as a tonic for hair. Pouring on some lemon juice after shampooing provides it glow and glow without using expensive products. Additionally, it will lighten hair a few shades if used regularly within a period of time because of the bleaching effect of the acid.

The acidic nature of lemon juice provides the pulp leftover from juicing lemons the capacity to soothe many bites and stings and counteracts the alkali that leads to the painful sensations.

Besides treating skin ailments by ingesting lemon juice, you could also apply it topically and allow it to dry acne, eczema and blackheads. Rinse off the residue with a combination of olive oil and water.

Recipe Ideas

For the best results when juicing a lemon, make sure it’s at room temperature or heat in the microwave for a couple of seconds. Lemons should be kept in the refrigerator since they will mold quickly. Freshly squeezed lemon juice can easily be frozen for use afterwards. Try freezing it in ice cube molds and then storing in a bag after suspended, then you will have the ability to use the amount you need without wasting any juice.

The most frequent uses for lemon would be to make lemonade, lemon water or add to tea and soft drinks.

Lemon can be utilised in a marinade to add flavor and tenderize the meat but you will need to see the meat carefully when cooking since the acids in the lemon juice can cause the meat to dry out quickly.

Lemon rind may be grated and used fresh or dry in cakes, biscuits, muffins, breads, jams and jellies to bring a fresh taste or accentuate free flavors.

Squeezing some lemon juice fruits such as apples and bananas will keep them fresh looking after being cut, using the energy of the antioxidants found in abundance within the juice. Mixing together lemon juice and olive oil will create a healthful salad dressing. Lemons also make great pickles that are delicacies in Eastern states.


Some people can be allergic to lemons so if you’ve got a bad reaction after having some lemon, ask your physician. Also children under 10 should be supervised when handling fresh lemon juice as it can lead to skin irritation. Additionally the pH balance of lemons is quite low and has been proven to damage teeth by wearing away the tooth and inducing cavities, so be certain you eat or drink something with a higher pH balance, such as milk or cheese, after consuming lemon juice.


The acidic properties and powerful blend of vitamins and nutrients in lemon juice may be utilised in many culinary and medical scenarios. The health benefits of sugars stem from this wonderful mix of nutrients and may be appreciated in drinks, dressings and desserts.