Fresh healthy herbs. Basil, rosemary, mint, sage, thyme, oregano, marjoram, savory, lavender

Psoriasis is a non-contagious condition, which affects the joints and the skin of someone. The skin becomes inflamed, red and scaly in the event of this condition. It can affect any area of the body and it’s characteristic of the disease to occur differently, making it very tricky to cure it. Though a remedy for psoriasis is tough to find, certain home treatments for psoriasis have been proven to work. These home remedies don’t have any unwanted side effects.


Doctors and scientists are still unsure of the reason for psoriasis but genes could be an important factor responsible for psoriasis. Besides, hereditary reasons you can suffer with psoriasis due to other factors like allergies, metabolic irregularity of amino acids and proteins, infections and a number of other reasons.

Home remedies for psoriasis

      • Applying products with Dead Sea salt may also help an area recover from psoriasis. A seawater bathroom is also great for treating psoriasis.
      • If you suffer from psoriasis of the scalp you may employ a hair mask of honey, olive oil and avocado into your wet hair. It helps keep your aggravation and flakes within reasonable limit.
      • People suffering from psoriasis should take appropriate care of the hygiene. The affected areas should be washed, dried and cleaned properly and cashew nut oil ought to be applied to this area. Proper cleaning and drying of psoriasis-affected regions is required before use of any home treatments for psoriasis
      • an excellent home remedy for psoriasis is a composite of one-teaspoon wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon of castor oil and a cup of sunflower oil. This combination ought to be applied on the affected area.
      • Two drops of calendula oil blended with one drop of oregano oil and a cup of olive oil is a powerful remedy for psoriasis.
      • For scalp psoriasis marigold cream can be quite effective. Four marigold heads boiled in four cups of water for 2 minutes can be used to treat a psoriasis-affected scalp. The scalp should be massaged with the ready marigold potion and then it ought to be washed off using a mild shampoo.
      • Aloe Vera oil used in conjunction with garlic oil was shown to be very powerful. Aloe Vera is often utilised in many home treatments for psoriasis.
      • Psoriasis is usually accompanied by a very irritable itch. This itch can be controlled through the use of mixture of pitch and water solution. This mixture should be used two times daily for a period of one month to work.
      • Cabbages also have been proven to be successful a home remedy for psoriasis. After removing the thick veins of a cabbage, the cabbage leaves as compress on the affected area.

Home treatments for psoriasis usually don’t have any side effects but it would be best to consult a physician prior to opting for one. In the kind of lotions and potions aren’t enough, they need to be supplemented by appropriate diet and maintenance of good hygiene. Consumption of bitter gourd juice regular on an empty stomach for a couple months are proven to be a great diet for people afflicted by psoriasis.