Healthy food selection with fruits, vegetables, seeds, super foods, cereals and the cutting board in the middle as copy space

Acne is a very common skin problem, occurring quite often amongst older teenagers and young adults. If ignored, acne can lead to severe skin problems immediately or later in life. With all the different products on the market to deal with acne, you might be tempted to try a few. But before you go out and buy some of these often expensive products, try out a number of the acne home remedies.

Toothpaste – For Minty Fresh Skin

Believe it or not, toothpaste can sometimes help clear up acne. While there have been no formal studies to date, lots of folks swear by toothpaste as an effective acne home remedy. Simply apply directly to your issues stains before bedtime. Common wisdom holds that this can help control the swelling and redness. Just ensure you use real toothpaste, not the gel material.

Salt and Vinegar – Pickle Those Zits

A solution of salt water, with or without vinegar, can help clear up your acne both by massaging your skin (removing excess oils) and by helping disinfect. Wash your face twice a day with a salt (and vinegar if you like) solution. Just do not make the remedy too powerful, mildly salty is greatest. For stubborn stains, make a more powerful solution, apply to the swollen area, and leave on for 15-20 minutes.

Fruits – Healthy Inside and Out

Vegetables can also be held to be an effective acne home remedy. Try applying strawberry leaves straight to the zit and leave the on for some time. Fresh lemon juice (not concentrated) or lime mixed with rose water is another acne home remedy you can try. Apply to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Try this one for 15 days and you just might be amazed at the results! Ground orange peel, mixed with water into a pastre, can be effective in treating an outbreak. Apply and leave for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the paste with warm water. Papaya juice is also widely held to work. Fresh tomato paste can be used similar to the orange peel paste also. The one thing all these fruit-based acne home remedies have in common is their astringent properties. Removal of excess oil and grime is the trick to fighting acne.

More Plant-Based Acne Home Remedies

In exactly the same vein as the fruits mentioned above, there are several plants and herbs which have also proven to be effective acne home treatments. A combination of the oil extract of witch hazel, sweet fennel, and tea in water applied 2-3 times daily was proven to be effective in fighting acne. Methi (fenugreek) leaves, crushed into a paste, can be useful when employed for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. Crushed garlic functions as an effective acne home remedy also, although most men and women forgo this one simply due to the smell. Aloe Vera has well-documented skin healing properties, and acts as an astringent too. Cucumber, of course, has been a favorite to decrease all sorts of swellings for ages. It may be more effective if you put on the cucumber in paste form. But I’ll bet you did not know that ground radish or ground sesame seeds are also an additional acne home remedy.

Support From the Inside

These combinations, concoctions, and pastes are fine to use to the exterior, but boosting your body from the inside makes these acne home remedies work that much better. Nettle tea has long been advocated as a cure-all for skin problems of all kinds, including acne. Taking a vitamin supplement with vitamin B5 and zinc promote a healthier immune system, helping your body fight off bacteria that are senile. Give a few of those homemade acne remedies a shot, and you might be amazed by the results you can achieve without spending a bunch of money on specialized skincare products.