Adding Magnesium Chloride vitamin salt in foot bath water, solution. Magnesium grains in foot bath water are ideal for replenishing the body with this essential mineral, promoting overall wellbeing.

Toenail fungus remedies are a dime a dozen and a number aren’t worth a dime. If you’re really interested in eliminating toenail fungus from the tender feet you may wish to consider a combination of the remedies listed below. Some of them are proven to operate within a week while others take much longer. If you want results faster than that you might wish to seek out a homeopathic or medical treatment.


Soaking your feet in a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water is known to assist with the healing or elimination of fungal infections to your toenails. This works due to the acidic value of the vinegar. It is said that you will start to notice results within seven days of regular soaking in this solution. This makes it a rather effective home remedy. Obviously combining this with a few preventative measures can net even greater consequences – especially if you’re not interested in going through this process again in the future.

It’s thought that tea tree oil applied topically to your toenails is just another of many higher toenail fungus remedies worth attempting. Tea trees are famous for their resistance to many common fungal infections and the oil is thought to bring the identical immunity to your toenails. There are some that consider drinking Pau d’Arco tea or soaking your toes in this tea is just another terrific way to fight the disease and worth considering as you’re checking into the value of tea tree oil.

Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)

Soak your feet to three times per day in a warm Epsom salt bath. This toenail fungus remedy ought to be done daily if possible but no less than three times weekly. Once you finish the soaking process that you want to take additional care in ensuring the area between the feet, in addition to the rest of your foot, is fine and dry. This can be achieved with a towel and a hair dryer for optimum effect.

Vitamin E

The last ingredient wrap up the top 5 toe nail fungus remedies you may have at home is vitamin E. Vitamin E is widely utilized in a variety of products for the treatment of toenail fungus you will find offered in shops and online. Many of these products are know to work wonders due to the blend of ingredients and might function more quickly than using vitamin E alone.

Most of these ingredients work wonders in their own rights, even though they may take a bit longer than we want to wait. If patience isn’t a virtue to which you prescribe it may be a better strategy for you to seek out other toenail fungus remedies.