massage, healing, woman

Life force, energy recovery, laying of the hands, or electro-chemical energy recovery, whatever you might choose to call it… human energy recovery has been attracting plenty of attention over the past decades. Some of this is a result of the growing promotions of pharmaceutical medication advertisements filling the airways on tv. You can barely watch any television program without seeing at least one or two drug advertisements during the break.

To add to the wake up call, and how many have wake up in their normal daily sleepwaking routine to detect more frequent visits to the physician, more screenings and test, more drugs, more this, and more that.

Traditional medicine

I had seen this identical shift when I had a pet dog. One day I introduced my pet into see the vet they began to suggest all kinds of blood screening test, similar to the exact same testing they do for people.

I refused to give my pet medications like many people simply do with little if any thought to the medication side effects, which would be the same as medication given to humans. Betsy lived to be nearly seventeen years old. For a lap dog that has been a very good age to achieve.

So that the best way to sum up the growing interest in organic, or other healing when compared to traditional healing through medical science is at the take over of big pharmaceutical companies which are out to demonize and destroy the natural healing and alternative health established methods so that they could sell more of their products with little to no worries about the side effects.

The FDA has been tainted. They have been enabling large pharma to market their drugs to the public with small concerns about their security. It that weren’t accurate, then why all the advertisements, growing in number that law firms are searching for individuals that took particular drugs and had certain responses to them for a lawsuit?

Energy healing

For those who haven’t yet found or have a look at energy recovery, it’s simply a healing method which uses the natural energy that’s all around and within our physical bodies.

Anyone that has read anything about the human mind and its activity comprehends the electro-connection, also when referring to the action of the nerves that run through the body delivering signals.

Energy sources

Food, sunlight and oxygen

We get our energy from several sources. Food provides us with energy, as does oxygen, and sunlight. If that you are knowledgeable about the functions of this East, you will understand the importance of appropriate lower abdominal breathing. Not only does a fantastic source of oxygen assist the functions of the mind, in addition, it hiethens the disposition while it expels toxins from the body.

Physical exercise

This is why physical exercise is so important. By exercising the entire body, best being cardiovascular exercise, it gets the blood, energy (chi, qi, ki, prana, mana, etc.), and toxins moving rather than sitting stagnant in the body. When people are idle, eat too much, do little exercise… it allows toxins to just float around the body, doing harm in organs and else where. This also leads to what many refer to as congestion in the human electric circuitry. In Acupuncture their are twelve meridians, or sometimes known as rivers which run troughout the body .

These energy rivers and resouviours will need to remain flowing free from obstacles. When they are flowing freely, the body is healthy. But when they’re dammed up, or obstructed at all, they begin to deteroriate the wellbeing in the area of the blockage. While that’s bad enough, as one organs energy is disrupted, caused to have too little energy for proper functioning it begins to affect organs following it.

The organs energy flow

In Traditional Chinese Medicine each organ has its peak at a certain time of the day. One example would be starting with the lungs, being most active between 3AM and 5Am, then another organ in line is the large intestines from 5AM to 7AM, etc. So when one organs energy flow is affected, in addition, it affects those following it. This also puts a strain on the organ before it.

So if the lungs were lacking energy (cold) or excess energy (too hot), we could have a look at the lungs, the intestines, and the liver at a diagnosis. Also, the center might be added into the equation. As for the electric system of the human body, it’s not seem as small systems within a larger system, but as a single system where all parts will need to be working properly to cure the issue.

Without that consideration, as for our medical science as attacking only the signs and covering them up with a medication, the issue is permitted to continue. When that is done, the issue still exist in the background, and will once more appear as a more complex symptom, or new ones in a different area of the body.


While that there should be more research done in this area rather than wasting billions of dollars annually for the last twenty years on harmful pharma drugs we have for just about everything you can imagine, and them in a variety for each state, we can offer patients a natural option. Energy recovery has also attrached many con artist as does all areas of life in which making a fast buck at the cost from the helpless, uneducated can be used for gain.

One thing to bear in mind when looking for a energy healer. Seek those that have a fantastic reputation. Also look for people who work off of contributions, not substantial set fees like a normal company. Anyone who makes wild claims and request a high fee is to be considered as a con artist. By taking contributions the individual pays for performance. Like the expression, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is”. So watch out for scam artist, but don’t take this as stating all energy healers are con artist. Just use commonsense and logic in all your health decisions and you’ll be okay.