Ajo con quilla

The keeled garlic is an cebolla plant that grows mainly in central and southern Europe. The pink to purple flowers emerge from green breeding bulbs and sit on small stems. This very rare plant is protected and must not be collected. The medicinal properties are similar to those of chives and onions.

Descripción de la planta

The keeled garlic is native to southern Germany and southern Europe. It prefers to grow on nutrient-poor grassland and moor meadows. The perennial plant grows between 30 and 60 centimetres high. The leaves are 3 mm wide, keeled and linear. The pink to purple flowers appear between June and August. The bulbs at the base of the flower umbels are green. In rare cases the seeds develop from the usually infertile flowers.


Nombre científico
Allium carinatum.

Familia de plantas

Otro nombre
Witch’s garlic.

Partes de plantas usadas
Bulb & Leave.

Essential oils, alliin, cycloalliin, flavonoids, propenylalliin, sterols.

Período de cosecha

Propiedades medicinales

Uso principal: Digestión.

Efectos curativos

        • Appetising
        • Blood lipid-lowering
        • Antiinflamatorio
        • Diurético
        • Digestivo

Método de aplicación

        • Oralmente

Formas de preparación

Keeled garlic can be used like young onions and chives. For example, you can make a salad. Cut into small pieces and served with vegetables promotes digestion and stimulates the appetite.


It was used as a substitute for leeks and bulbs, but has never acquired a special significance as a medicinal plant. The extract was used as a remedy against moths. It is now found in nature and wild gardens as an ornamental plant.

Consejos de cultivo

In autumn or spring, place the bulbs sufficiently deep in the ground. The keel leek does not tolerate stagnant moisture and is best planted alone, as it is not compatible with many other plants.


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