beautiful palm leaves of tree in sunlight

Exotic as the dictionary would define it in this circumstance with plants is something released by a foreign country meaning not native to the country in which you might reside. To further define these crops, they are typically erased from very warm and frost-free environments and put in your house in pots or containers that are larger where ponds are a lot harsher than the indigenous land.

Artificial conditions

This requires artificial creation of these elements which will bring about the exotic plants ability to survive in the environment of your home or place of business. It will, sometimes, test your skill as a gardener since a number of these exotic plants need more tender loving care than do others. To others decor possibly more significant for a brief period of time than providing an area in your home or garden for a long time period. This will be your responsibility to decide.

I will assume here that you’re the enthusiastic gardener and it’ll necessitate some intimate requirements to be followed. This is particularly true if you’ve got the urge to raise orchids, bromelaids or exotic hoyas. Exotic Plants are often from much warmer climates and this relays the belief that they will require extreme temperatures. This is truly a misnomer and you’ll be quite surprised to see that the requirement for cooler nearly cold nights are expected to process sugars from the leaves to the roots.

Humidity Factor

One of the actual risks to an exotic plant is the lack of humidity. In the outside world it’s dripping with moisture and the humidity is near 100 percent but bring it into a heated house and it undergoes only a small amount of the moisture it can generally hold. Here there’s more evaporation then the plant could possibly replace. This is sure death to your exotic plant. It requires the presence of saucers full of pebbles and water put under your exotic plant. It might also require you to mist your plant at least one time per day to continue the presence of a higher humidity afterward would normally exist in the area.


Light is of extreme significance in the best survival of your exotic plant. If you have an exotic plant that’s a bloomer then the degree of light has to be near that of its native land. The daylight length is valuable to a flowering exotics and might require you to offer some kind of artificial lighting to extent the time essential to flower properly.This is particularly true of these crops as gardenias,Amaryllis and holiday plants. Windows without sun won’t encourage flowering plants but only foliage plants such as tender tropics will succeed in north windows with complete light.


Temperature is a significant element in the life span of your exotic plant. A constantly large temperature will induce the plant to consume its stored food during the daylight hours by bringing fatigue into the plant. This is why a period of these temperatures have to be accompanied by a period of reduced temperatures to recover its energy. It’s crucial that you don’t over heat the area where your exotic plant is located and you would be advised to follow the instructions that accompanied your plant.


Watering is another important component in the development of your plant. You’d think the trend is to under water your plant. It’s found that most people really are guilty of over watering their exotic plant. The rule of thumb here is to not water until the surface of the soil is dry. A tropical plant with very coarse roots and growing in thick very loamy soil ought to be left to”dry out” and then water by soaking the pot until water appears through the drain holes at the bottom. However these plants will need extra watering in a heated area some potentially daily. I have a vine that always dries out and needs water on a daily basis. In the summertime this maybe cut back based on sunlight exposure and summer heat.


A word about soil composition. Some of these exotic plants with hair fine fibrous roots will require a more humus soil such as leaf mold, peatmoss, sphagnum, shredded fir-bark or a humus compost with sand or perlite for good drainage. This offers you the advantage, typically, no need for plant fertilizer since the above matter provides all of the nutrients necessary as it breaks down. You may want to bring a small fish fertilizer for nitrogen and also some bone to add phosphate. As in the case of watering,there’s a propensity to over play this requirement and the plant could meet an untimely death from a lot of “tender loving” fertilizer.

The reply to the question

Exotic plants in the house? I’d vote yes because these plants add so much to the decor and beauty of the environment. They’re such excellent conversation pieces for your customers and brings great satisfaction and pleasure to your gardening expertise.