The doctor of traditional medicine weight, dried herbs on vintage balance scale at old medicine herbs shop.

Despite that the modernity of Western medication, it can’t be denied that there are people who have more faith in using Chinese medications to treat their ailments. Chinese medicinal treatments date back as early as 700 B.C. and the Taoists were the first to develop what’s called traditional Chinese medicine.

Treating UTI Using Chinese Traditional Medicine

Urinary tract infection, is a disorder that often recurs, and some sufferers are already wary in using antibiotic because of their UTI treatment. Hence, understanding how to treat a UTI using Chinese traditional medicines might be a welcome alternative method of treatment.

The Taoists beliefs adhered to the principles of “yin” and “yang”. According for their research, the world is truly a cycle of opposites. If there’s day, then there’s night, warmth and cold, good and bad. A positive always has a drawback.

“Yin” in Chinese is reported to be the shady side or darkness while”yang” is reported to be the sunny brightness or side. Now, that is reported to be a fundamental element in understanding how we can fix a UTI by using Chinese methods of therapy.

While Western method of medicine will treat UTI using antibiotics, traditional Chinese therapy must ascertain what is the”yin” in this disease and will handle this matter instead. Accordingly, that the”yin” in UTI is warmth that affects the kidney.

Thus, the reverse of heat being chilly, this will be the remedy to tackle the kidney deficiency. The principle however isn’t far from Western concept that the warmth factor allows the microbes to flourish when heat moisture is trapped in our underwear.

It may also be about the physician’s advice of taking in lots of water to maintain the kidneys hydrated. Chinese therapy is about detoxifying the kidney by taking in a mixture called Ba Zheng San or approximately interpreted as”Eight Ingredient Powder to Correct Urinary Disturbances”.

In more severe cases of UTI, conventional Chinese treatment involves acupuncture and herbs. There are acupuncture points which are going to be given attention and one of these is called Ren 3 or”Middle Summit”.

This refers to the body part within the bladder, while another component that’s the Spleen 9 or”Yin Tomb Spring” are also important. The latter is just under the knee, within the tibia bone. Applying acupuncture needles in these stress points will permit the transformation of the moist warmth to move from stagnation.

In addition to those Chinese cures, the individual will also be advised to have a change of lifestyle. If the affliction originated from dangerous practice of sex, the individual will be advised to exercise more prudence as it’s the origin of his affliction.

This then leads us to a decision that if the treatment is Western or Chinese tradition, the methods about the best way best to treat a UTI is always an issue of rectifying or curing the principal reason for the urinary tract disease.