Dandelion seeds flying in the air, orange evening

Breathing trouble is now a common household problem recently, what with all the ever-growing air pollution. One can not entirely eliminate the dust which causes wheezy and painful breathing, but there are a whole lot of approaches to guarantee relief from breathing difficulty. With these simple home treatments, your breathing shall be trouble-free in some time, without you having to pay huge doctor and medicine bills.

Get Plants

Get plants, and a lot of them. The greener the crops, the better it’ll be for the breathing, for these plants will give out lots of oxygen while consuming the excess of carbon dioxide. Place potted plants all around your home, especially in the rooms you see most frequently. A plant from your bed and one by your favourite armchair will ease your breathing up greatly.

Homemade Massage Oils

Coconut and sesame oil, when blended with nutmeg powder, can facilitate your breathing up instantly, particularly when you have attacks of complete breathlessness. Add about two spoonfuls of peppermint powder to coconut or sesame oil, warm it up, and massage your chest and throat thoroughly. You will find relief immediately.

Onion, Honey and Garlic

Onions, garlic and honey are renowned for their medicinal properties. Try honey and garlic tea with a little lemon, and increase the number of onions in your daily diet. This will do wonders for your breathing, for it will lessen any type of congestion or blockage in your nasal region. Vitamin C pills are also great for keeping your nasal passage refreshing and assisting you to breathe easily.


If your chest and nose feel blocked and congested and your breath is coming out from wheezy spurts, you can try steaming. Boil water in a pan and let it cool only a little. Cover your head with a towel and then bend over the pan so that none of the steam escapes. Inhale the steam by taking deep breaths, your torso will begin feeling lighter very quickly. You can also add half a spoonful of vapor rub in the boiling water for greater outcomes.

Avoid Scented Products

Artificial scent will do you a lot of harm if you have trouble breathing correctly. Make sure your shampoo, soap, deodorant and the rest of the hygiene and even beauty products aren’t scented too much. Go for organic fruit products and you’ll realize that your torso and neck don’t feel scratchy and clogged anymore.