happy man relaxing in deck chair at home, wellbeing background, relaxation

As you know comfort has many advantages for our body and mind. Relaxing helps to decrease stress and allows the decent chemicals to flow more in the mind giving access to more clarity, creatively and resourcefulness.

Ten techniques for Relaxation Bliss

Relax your Body

A. Close your eyes and know where the most relaxed part of your body is?

B. Imagine spreading this feeling throughout the entire body, from the top of your head to the tip of your feet.

C. Enjoy biking through these relaxing feelings by starting again at step A.

Slow Down the Internal Voice

We often worry ourselves with inner critical voices. A simple and efficient way to decrease the suffering brought on by internal voices is to slow them down.

A. Pick one of these crucial internal voices that annoy you from time to time.

B. Notice it’s place in space and what it says to you.

C. Now hear what it says again except this time slow it is delivery down. Way down. Repeat the sentence and slow it down even more.

D. Do this a few times until it is really slow and notice how you are feeling more relaxed!

Re-access Relaxation

A. Have you ever felt relaxed or at least at ease, perhaps it was on a beach or in a gorgeous woodland.

B. Re-access the calm state by recalling what you saw, what you heard and smelt and let those relaxing feelings to appear again.

C. Just sit with these pleasant feelings for a couple of minutes, that is right.

Relaxing Music

A. Where would you like to be relaxed? Notice what you see and hear just before you’d like to feel a wave of relaxation. eg) The office door

B. If I were to ask you what some of your favorite relaxing music was what could it be?

C. Hear that relaxing music clear and nice within your mind and let those pleasant feelings to arise.

D. Now think about the trigger you select in Step A and while hearing the music on your head, imagine walking into the circumstance.

E. Do this a few times to ‘cable it ‘ and you may even do this on some other situations where comfort would be helpful.

Spinning the Movie Backwards

Our peace of mind can get bothered by memories. Here’s an outstanding technique that enables us to neutralise negative emotions associated with troublesome memories.

A. Remember an occasion where you have annoyed. Maybe somebody made a comment that upset you a little.

B. Imagine re-viewing it from beginning to end. Freeze-frame it in the end.

C. Pick some funny music. Cartoon? Circus music?

D. Now reverse the film: That is play it backwards from the end to the start with the humorous music playing.

When you play the movie backwards make it so that it’s faster than normal reality as it adds to the humour!

A Walk in Nature

This is one of the easiest, time-tested methods of’ how to de-stress quickly.’ Get yourself out into nature. It can only be a park in the City with a few trees. Observe nature. The sounds, the smells. Become curious in the wonder of it all. Is it possible to know about all your senses simultaneously?

Shapeshift to the Wind

A. Step outside and be aware of the wind.

B. As you detect it’s existence and altering patterns, allow yourself to’shapeshift’ to the wind. Simply imagine you’ve become one with the wind.

C. Close your eyes and indulge yourself in this moment now.

Imagining your Relaxed Self

A. If you were more relaxed today what would that you seem like out there in front. It’s OK if this you’re only 5% more relaxed since this is all about going in a relaxing way is not it?

B. Notice what you looks like, your posture, your breathing, your facial expression.

C. Now imagine stepping into that relaxed you.

D. Repeat from step A.


This a very interesting technique that comes from Hawaiian Shamanism, Huna.

A. Look out in front of you at a 20 degree angle upward. Become conscious of objects/movements in the flat portion of your peripheral vision.

B. Become conscious of objects/movements from the vertical portion of your peripheral vision. (eg your sneakers and the skies.)

C. As you notice more and more of your peripheral vision let it spread out and about you so that you can envision what is behind you too.

D. Now you can do this with your other senses. Spread out your hearing and around and do the same with your kinaesthetics.

E. Stay in this state for many minutes and you’ll become very relaxed. This technique switches in your parasympathetic nervous system.

Try closing your eyes and doing this!

Simple Breathing Meditation

Meditating on the breath is most likely the most frequently used and historical of practices for relaxing your mind. It’s quite effective.

A. Sit down with your back straight.

B. Close your eyes and breath through your nostrils and out through your mouth.

C. Just watch the breath going in and out.

D. Try pausing for a second before the breath out, focussing on the heart centre.

Repeat for 10 minutes or more if possible!

Tradition of Relaxation

When you practice techniques such as those above and you end up gaining benefit, it is going to encourage you to develop a tradition of relaxation. And the more you exercise, the more you will enjoy getting a relaxed person did not you.