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As the old saying goes,”you are what you eat” However, with regard to natural skin care diet is a superb place to start, but by no means does great skincare stop there. When it comes to natural skin care it’s not simply about what you eat but also how you care for yourself. Healthy, glowing skin is a visible sign of good physical health and a balanced diet. Conversely, problem skin is often an outward sign of an internal imbalance or poor nutritional habits. If you’re wanting to improve your skin’s tone and look try these hints that will assist you feel and look your very best.

Adopt a can-do attitude

Your attitude shapes your expertise. If you proceed through the world constantly fraught with stress and anxiety your health and appearance will be negatively affected with time. Make a concerted effort to prevent frowning, and smile often. Studies indicate that simply smiling can help turn a sour mood around.

Care for your skin from the inside out

Small changes like ingesting the recommended daily allowance of water and fiber can help keep your skin supple and fresh. You can be certain of getting the appropriate amount of fiber in your diet by including at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. One serving is comprised of a medium apple, a half-cup of a cup of tomato juice. You can even get your portions in by adding tomato and lettuce on sandwiches, substituting or adding carrot sticks into your lunch, or switching to brown rather than white rice. Flaxseed, legumes and nuts are excellent sources of fiber and can be readily integrated into any diet. Additionally it is a good idea to steer clear of nicotine, excessive alcohol, sugar, fried and processed foods as these contribute to problem skin. Keep a glass or bottle of water on hand at all times and aim to drink at least half your weight in ounces every day. For instance, if you weigh 120lbs, try to take in at least 60 oz of water per day. There are several foods, such as lettuce and certain fruits, with higher water content which you can use to help boost your water intake. Water baths your cells and helps eliminate toxins; it also keeps you hydrated from the inside. The result; beautiful, healthy skin.

Exfoliate and proceed

Your skin is a living organ; in actuality, it’s the largest elimination organ of the body. You can help facilitate this process with exercise and exfoliation. With exfoliation, dry, rough and dead skin cells are removed from the upper layer of your skin showing the glowing skin beneath. Exfoliation gets more significant with aging as the process of creating new skin cells slows, thus causing a dull complexion. There are numerous commercially available products that exfoliate. These include various scrubs with microbeads, sugar, salt and crushed walnut shells. You may also try using fabrics specially designed for this use, or creating your own preparation. Be careful to check any merchandise for sensitivity before applying to your skin. Also, be certain to avoid using these products in sensitive areas like around the eyes.

Exercise is also an important element of natural skin care. In addition to respiratory and cardiovascular benefits, both important for skin health, exercise helps the body release toxins through the skin with sweat. Aim for at least half an hour of exercise three or more times each week. Whatever activity you choose should take you within 50-70% of your target heart rate for the best results.

Moisturize and protect against the elements

Just as it’s important to look after skin from the inside out it’s also important to employ some skin care tips from the outside in. Most of all, keep your face clean and dry. Wash your face with a gentle, non-irritating cleanser at least twice daily and after exercise. Avoid using water which is too hot because it can dry your skin, robbing it of its healthy glow. Apply a toner with light, upward strokes. Finally, apply a moisturizer that includes sunscreen in winter and summer once the rays of sunlight may also be damaging. For best results apply moisturizer to still moist skin to make the very best moisture barrier. Along with sunscreen, you might want to take into account a hat if you have particularly sensitive or fair skin.

Rest well

The average adult requires 7-9 hours sleep every evening; however, most get considerably less. You can improve your skin’s health and appearance by simply getting a good night’s sleep. If concerns keep you awake try developing a to-do list or a journal to ease your mind. It’s also wise to avoid upsetting activities, such as drinking alcohol, heavy exercise or watching the news, within a few hours of bedtime since these can disturb restful sleep.

Most of us want to feel and look our best and great skin care is a substantial contributing factor. Maintain your skin with a sensible diet, exercise, rest and a can-do attitude.