Yogurt  In white glass wood background from top view.

Probably the best thing someone can do if they suspect they have a yeast infection is to make an appointment with their doctor. Unfortunately, not everyone can do this. Many people today lack adequate healthcare, and might not have the funds to go to a walk in clinic or an emergency room. Those most at risk to get a yeast infection are young to middle-aged ladies, some of whom are under-insured.

Yeast infection

Most yeast infections aren’t life threatening and appropriate diagnosis should be your priority if possible. There are a range of symptoms which could mask for a yeast infection but the hallmark signs of the disease are well recognized. They start with an intense burning or itching in the vaginal area and are often accompanied by an unsightly and sometimes foul smelling discharge.

Because the yeast Infection is a hearty and successful organism yeast infections have plagued women for centuries and there are a variety of home remedies to fight them. Some of the better known treatments for this powerful little nuisance have been buttermilk, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, yogurt, and douching.

Applying yogurt to the vulva has emerged as one of the very best and probably most economical treatments for vaginal yeast infections. The main reason yogurt is successful is because it contains Lactobacillus acidophilus that’s a protective bacteria which is produced naturally in the vagina. When the amounts of Lactobacillus are sufficient the bacterium will keep in check any yeast strains that typically multiply and upset the natural balance of the vaginal tract. Typically, a tampon is saturated in oats and put in the vaginal area for one hour.


There are over the counter remedies for yeast infections today so they aren’t quite as annoying as they was. It’s advisable to not use these treatments unless your sure you have an infection as they can lead to an imbalance of the organisms inside the vagina and cause some yeast strains to become drug resistant.

A doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat yeast infection and it’s beyond the scope of this guide to go over the benefits and side effects of the powerful medications. Just do not forget that antibiotics kill a broad spectrum of bacteria some of which are very helpful for the body. Some women find that by taking acidophilus capsules with the antibiotic which it appears to have a synergistic effect and is more effective than antibiotics alone. You can even find acidophilus milk and acidophilus chewable tablets, if you prefer those rather than swallowing a capsule.

Good to know

Like the majority of the issues that influence the homeostasis of the body the very best remedy is prevention. There are a couple things you can do to reduce the frequency of a vaginal infection and prevent further outbreaks. Below are a few.

    • Yeast bacteria love a warm moist atmosphere. Tight underwear or clothing can create an environment that is beneficial for them to multiply
    • Chemicals such as those found in laundry detergents or scented toilet paper may upset the bacterial balance.
    • Some condoms have a spermicide called nonoxynol-9 that has been proven to kill good bacteria in addition to sperm.
    • Hormonal changes in young pregnant women can be conducive to yeast infections.
    • It will help to reduce your sugar intake. Yeast loves sugar and thrives in a high sugar moderate.
    • It’s a good idea to Douche. A solution of 1 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar per gallon of water is very effective if used once or twice per day for less than a week. Additionally, there are herbal douches available. Equal parts of blossom, comfrey, and sage, combined with 1/4 part goldenseal, and mixed with cider vinegar is an effective cleansing solution.


Yeast infections are a nuisance for some women but may be very preventable. Still, if at all possible, it’s a fantastic idea to make certain any burning or pain you experience from the vaginal area is checked out by a health professional.