Bottles of essential oil with dried rose petals, chamomile, calendula and frankincense resin on a wooden table

My encounter with autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, asthma, etc., or allergic reactions like hay fever leave me skeptical of those who urge a fast fix. They need a deeper and more approach for balancing the immune system and cleansing the body. A few quick, temporary steps to merely ease the symptoms isn’t sufficient. Here’s a deep cleansing to balance and strengthen the immune system.

Essential Oils

Using essential oils for autoimmune conditions isn’t a quick fix. If you read the literature you are going to believe a couple of essential oils will make a massive difference right away… and they may help a few individuals whose requirements are exceptional… the ones you read in their reviews.

But I’m a bit more skeptical due to my experience with autoimmune diseases. They need a deeper and more approach to balancing the immune system and cleansing the body. A few quick, temporary steps to merely ease the symptoms isn’t sufficient.

Immune System

Here’s an Immune Balancing and Strengthening regimen that I suggest for anyone who’s seriously interested in using essential oils to enhance an autoimmune condition. It’ll be very important to follow it for around a year to attempt and overcome autoimmune and immunity difficulties.

You’ll also want to eliminate inflammation in your body with a few fish oil or krill oil products. Balancing your immune system takes time and patience. Here’s the complete cleansing regimen. It might seem daunting to browse through it, however, the processes do not need to be any more challenging than making capsules up a couple of times each month and taking them every day. Then you can add whatever other customs you like that would improve the action of these capsules.

Balance and strengthening cleansing

      • If your immune system has turned against you in any sort of auto-immune response, like allergies, asthma, hay fever, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Graves’ disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.; you will need to balance and strengthen your immune system. This procedure could take one month for every year you’ve had auto-immune issues.
      • If you’ve had a history of working with a great deal of antibiotics, destroying the balance of intestinal flora in your digestive tract, you want this cleanse. You’ll have to supplement your diet with loads of probiotic products. The cheapest and most effective is to make your own probiotic vegetables and eat them frequently. They’re a delicious part of a wholesome diet for the entire family.
      • If you’ve got significant stresses in your life which have caused plenty of excessive adrenalin and digestive enzymes in your body, your immune system may have suffered significantly. Calming and resolving these anxieties will be a significant part of your cleansing.
      • Your diet and lack of exercise might have significantly compromised your immune system also, leading to chronic respiratory, skin, digestive, or other degenerative or infectious diseases. If this is true, your immune system may benefit significantly from this cleansing.

Duration of this cleansing

      • Depending on the seriousness of your illness, this cleansing may have to be provided one year or longer. Consider that for each year you’ve had a weakened immune system, you might need 1 month of cleansing. Because it takes time to do a deep action, be certain you carefully structure the customs of the cleanse to be something it is easy to integrate into your lifestyle.
      • All conditions from the auto-immune category might be assisted by using the Immune Balancing Blend (see recipe below). Oftentimes, there’ll be a deeply rooted infectious conditions that require the use of the Defense Blend over a protracted cleanse. If you’ve had too frequent infections of any kind (yeast, viral, bacterial, or parasitic), you may wish to bring the Defense Blend to your cleansing regimen.


      • if you would like to experience the deepest potential cleansing action, you will want to make combinations up and take capsules. You’ll take the Immune Balancing Blend capsule and the Defense Blend capsule with every meal. Make up only 1 batch at a time. A single batch constitutes from 20 to 30 capsules. If you do not like taking capsules or have trouble swallowing them, you can still use these blends on your water or food (see these instructions).
      • Prepare an immune-strengthening beverage: Put 1 drop of the Immune Balancing Blend and a single drop of the Defense Blend in a teaspoon of pure honey, blend well, add a cup of cold or warm water and simmer for a couple of seconds. Take this aromatic digestive beverage in the morning as a cleansing drink or at the conclusion of the meal with warm water, as an herbal tea.
      • In a restaurant, taste water by dipping a toothpick at the Immune Balancing Blend or the Defense Blend then stir your toothpick on your water or herbal tea. Fine tune the amount of the mix by dipping less or more of the toothpick to the blend.
      • Don’t use this cleansing without also adjusting your diet. You’ll need to concentrate on whole fruits and veggies with the larger proportion of them raw. Eat many (non-bread) whole grains in cereals (not processed( cold cereal), soups, salads etc.. You need whole foods to build the intricate synergies of vitamins, minerals and complex plant-based compounds essential to complete the cleanup. Some folks incorporate raw vegetable and fruit juices into their cleansing.
      • Use the Defense Blend or tea tree oil onto a toothpick or use the”lick trick” using a trace (not a fall ) on the back of your hand and licking it off. Distribute it around your mouth for a breath freshener after brushing your teeth after eating every morning, noon, and evening. This simple habit will help balance the good and germs throughout your digestive tract.

Olfactory and Dermal Absorption

      • Each morning after your shower or bath, use eucalyptus radiata in your chest and back. You can use a spray bottle and dilute the oil with grapeseed oil half and half.
      • Each morning you may use the identical dilution of eucalypus radiata or tea tree and massage your body where you have the best number of lymph nodes-sides of neck, under arms, and groin region above genitals. Avoid genital areas.
      • Mix a teaspoon of this mixing oil with two to three drops of the Defense Blend for a full foot massage. You may also use tea tree use eucalyptus radiata with this massage. Perform this massage yourself or with a partner two to three times per week or more. It works best right from your shower or bathtub while your body is moist and warm.
      • Once a day use 2-3 drops of the Immune Balancing Blend and the Defense Blend undiluted within the uterus.

The Immune Balancing Blend

      • Lavender 50 drops
      • Tea tree 50 drops
      • Roman chamomile 30 drops
      • Cedar 10 to 20 drops
      • Juniper 10 to 20 drops
      • Spruce 10 to 20 drops
      • Pine 10 to 20 drops

The Defense Blend

      • Tea tree 100 drops
      • Geranium 20 drops
      • Basil 20 drops
      • Peppermint 20 drops
      • Oregano or thyme 20 drops