Little boy looking through a hole in a leaf

Eye infection. What ever you call it, it means the exact same thing: inflammation of the conjunctiva. Often it troubles kids, but adults may also be afflicted and it’s extremely contagious. Yet, conjunctivitis is rarely severe. If subterraneous layers of the eye are affected, there’s concern for deeper pathology, yet this is an uncommon occurrence. If viral in nature, no antibiotic will affect it and it’ll secrete watery and clear tears, while releases which are coloured thick, yellow or greenish, are bacterial. Even without treatment, the majority of these infections resolve within 10 days or so.

How to deal with it?

A worthwhile way to deal with this illness is using the herb eyebright or Euphrasia. If bought in alcohol as a tincture, it has to be diluted 1:25. That is, 1 drop of tincture into 24 drops of warm water. This mix is then dropped by an eye dropper directly into the eye. If this isn’t possible, a clean cloth dipped in the solution could be lightly placed and squeezed into it.


It is the most profound and effective means of treating pinkeye. It is not only going to abort the current condition, but encourage the system so the likelihood of it returning will be diminished. If, in actuality, it does return, it is going to be of a lesser severity. This is the sort of health we’re searching for….robust, resilient and independent of the props of modern pharmacology. When deciding on a homeopathic treatment for conjunctivitis, provide a dose a few times in a 12 hour day for as long as 3 days. As in most homeopathic configurations, as soon as there is great improvement, stop administering the remedy.


The first homeopathic remedy to think about is Belladonna 30. The demand for this remedy is dependent on the extreme redness of the eyes, such as bloodshot look to the whites. There may be pain that’s throbbing in character or the eye may be experienced as sexy. External environments affect the relaxation, like a lot of lights and even loud noises. The conjunctivitis could also be accompanied by a fever or it might not. Use Belladonna when the eye disease comes on fast and use it whenever possible.


 It is another homeopathic remedy of great significance in pinkeye. It’s made of the herb, eyebright, mentioned above, but is potentized from the homeopathic method, hence is stronger. Using this treatment is most valuable when there’s a large quantity of clear stream of watery tears that burn the eye and surrounding skin. This may, in time, grow into a greenish or white discharge and there may be a sensation like a foreign object, such as sand, is embedded in the eye.


It is the homeopathic remedy for pink eye which has a lot of itching. There’s often a thick yellowish to greenish discharge which does not excoriate the skin. The person needing this remedy is often a female, but not necessarily. She could be extra clingy and could be made worse in a living room and more comfortable in cool breezes. Cool water placed on the eyes is often soothing and she’ll crave this. Eruptions may appear around the eyes and on the lids such as pimples, whiteheads and scales. Often this individual has little to no desire.


Homeopathy is medication for busy moms. There’s not anything like the ability to look after our kids with confidence and advice that we can count on. Homeopathy delivers that. It’s cheap, easily dispensed, easily available, gentle and above all, it works.