dried herbs with essential oils using lavender and chamomile

Conventional medication and alternative/complementary healing methods aren’t mutually exclusive. They can work really well when blended together. This case study illustrates how this may be accomplished. The subject contracted a cold and had fever later.

Aromatherapy Combined With Traditional Medical Practice

On a Wednesday’s night, my husband caught a cold (with running nose), had a headache and a mild fever. I made a mix for him and proposed him to use it on his forehead, temples, and back of the throat. The mix includes:

1 drop of lavender, 1 drop of geranium, 2 drops of ginger, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Reasons for choosing the oil: Lavender is stimulant, and helps boost the immune functions; geranium is anti inflammatory; ginger can help relieve pain, it’s warming and can enhance the circulation.

I also advised him to drink water with lemon, with honey added. 15 minutes later, he could fall asleep and he felt better after it. The fever and headache subsided following the application.

However, when he awakened the next morning, his fever and headache came back. In addition, he had spasmodic cough, running nose, fever, and sore throat. He went to see the doctor, and has been tested negative for influenza virus. His fever was 100.8 degrees F. The physician then guided him to take more rest, and to take the Advil. I then suggested him to use another mix as follows, and to apply the mixture to the forehead, temples and back of the neck.

I proposed him to use the subsequent oil mix: 1 drop of Roman Chamomile, 2 drops of Lemon, 2 drops of peppermint, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Reasons for choosing the oil: Roman Chamomile provides pain relief and it is antiviral; lemon can bring pain relief, boost the immune system, and improve the oil mix penetration; peppermint can reduce fever, and it is cooling.

On the next day, his running nose condition improved a lot, he had no hassle, and the fever was gone. This is a good instance of combing the conventional medical practice with aromatherapy, and it works great. Aromatherapy did assist from the recovering process.

However, for some instances, you might have to ask your primary physician or expert before you combine any other protocol to the healing procedure. It is always better to speak with a professional aromatherapists with the expertise and suitable knowledge to do this. Always remember that essential oils are extremely powerful, and a little goes a long way.