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Orthodox Medicine is provider-dominated using a narrow assortment of choice; by contrast, Alternative Medicine is a market offering a vast and growing range of alternatives. But the difference between Alternative and Orthodox Medicine is clear enough;Orthodox Medicine is based upon the scientific study of disease processes (or is working towards this goal), while Alternative medical systems have non-scientific approaches based on religious, mysterious, or otherwise intuitive insights. But much Orthodox Medicine isn’t evidence based either.

Orthodox Medicine

Orthodox Medicine attempts to mend or repair, and to not encourage. Orthodox medical professionals do an invaluable job in their field of expertise, as do holistic professionals. Orthodox Medicine is well organized, unbelievably well financed, and has complete control over the news media as a result of substantial amounts of advertising dollars spent by the pharmaceutical sector AKA”Big Pharma”.

Orthodox Medicine is provider-dominated using a narrow selection of options; by contrast, Alternative Medicine is a market offering a vast and growing range of alternatives. Orthodox Medicine looks like an extremely limited but nutritionally-balanced diet.

Alternative therapies are like an infinite pick-and-mix feast where the consumer chooses what they fancy, taste it, then decide whether to consume more or try something different. Orthodox Medicine has evolved from its heritage principles into a version that’s now, according to disease care.

Orthodox Medicine treats the body (person) in isolated elements and believes it has the knowledge and power to repair an innate (natural) system by interfering in its normal homeostasis (entire body balance) using strong man-made chemicals. Orthodox Medicine hasn’t been a version about health.

Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine, on the other hand, is very poorly organized, both poorly financed, disjointed, and severely persecuted by Orthodox Medicine. Alternative professionals may learn homeopathy, herbalism, kinesiology, electrodiagnosis, chiropractics, osteopathy, aromatherapy, reflexology, body functions, iridology, cymatics, jewel therapy, electro-magnettherapy, color therapy, nutritional therapy, naturopathy, acupuncture, stress release,counselling etc…

Alternative Medicine fits quite well with some of the prominent attributes of contemporary society because it’s characterized by continual creation of selection and depends upon the mass media for dissemination of information.


Since that the aim of Orthodox Medicine is to eliminate symptoms of disease instead of attain a condition of optimal health, the elimination of symptoms becomes an end in itself instead of a way of identifying and correcting the root cause of disease. The management in which Orthodox Medicine is progressing is abundantly obvious. Firstly,if Orthodox Medicine is to start to accept responsibility for treatment of lifestyle diseases then it must cease its interventionist approach and use the standard caring and supportive approach of holistic medicine.

While Orthodox Medicine is clearly superior to holistic medicine for the treatment of severe injury and severe or life threatening diseases, holistic medicine, with its basically supportive nature and its capacity to embrace the value of nutrition, is a lot more successful when it comes to promoting healing and preventing additional illness later on. It is in this region especially where accurate identification and a high degree of co-operation involving Alternative Medicine and Orthodox medication is highly desirable.