Development of seedling growth Planting seedlings young plant in the morning light on nature background

To grow terrific plants, an individual needs to understand their life cycle that contains the the vegetative, reproductive, senescence, and dormancy phases. First, most plants begin as seeds. Many men and women know this, but what they do not understand is that seeds are now immature plants protected from hard shells. The shells contain all of the food plants need for the oldest aspect of life saved in an area called the endosperm. Under the ideal conditions, these immature plants can float out of the shells and begin growing.


For this to take place, the seeds will need to be germinated. Although you may simply drop seeds in small rockwool cubes or rapid rooter grow plugs, you will have greater success if you germinate them. One means to do this is to set your seeds involving some moist paper towels and set them in a dark, humid environment.

If done correctly, after a couple of days you’ll see what is known as the taproot poking from the shells. So as to provide your plants the best chance possible to flourish, you would put your prized seeds into your grow moderate, taproot pointing down. This simply reduces stress on your infant plants since the taproot is the part that is going to begin digging downward, searching for water.

While the taproot digs downward, the shoot (stem) of the seedling begins stretching upward trying to find light.

At this time, the crops are using their stored up food for expansion (recall the endosperm). However, these reservations will soon be depleted and the crops will have to produce their own food. This is only possible after the crops grow leaves.

The leaves have a chemical called chlorophyll that gives plants their green colour and it is what makes it possible for plants to accumulate energy from sunlight. Next, the plants utilize this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars and other carbohydrates. This chemical process is called photosynthesis.

Growth pHase

This phase of growth, where the crops are growing roots, root hairs, and leaves, is known as the vegetative period. One way to know you have a wholesome plant is to observe the origins. They’re easiest to see in a deep water culture hydroponics system and they need to be bright white and incredibly powerful.

Next, is the reproductive phase. During this time, plants will form flowers which are either male, female, or both (hermaphrodite).

These blossoms contain eggs and pollen which, when coupled with the eggs and pollen from different blossoms, will become seeds. The pollen is dispersed in a variety of ways like wind, insects, animals, or humans.

After the reproductive phase, plants enter the senescence period of their lives. Senescence is just another word for biological aging that’s the change in the biology of an organism as it ages after attaining maturity. This shift can been observed in the Fall when leaves change colors and fall off.


Continuing, some plants enter a fourth phase of life called dormancy. Dormancy is like hibernation in animals because specific metabolic functions are slowed. This permits plants to survive the cold of the winter season. When the warmth of Spring yields, plants once more begin sprouting leaves. Since they don’t have to begin all of the way from the seed phase, they have an edge over other crops because they are bigger. Being larger means it’s much easier to suck up lots of sun and nutrients. This cycle continues over and over until the plant eventually dies.


In nature, the phases of plants’ lives are ordered by the amount of sunlight they get. However, indoor gardeners control how much light their crops get and therefore have the ability to control precisely when a plant goes from the vegetative stage to the reproductive period.