children practicing are engaged in gymnastics and yoga with  teacher

Children are being brought up in a world of noise and busyness. Busy parents, school pressures, further after school activities, computer games and fast shifting TV can all add to their anxiety levels. School evaluations, falling out with friends, arguments between parents, feeling overwhelmed by assignments and being bullied or teased can increase the anxiety since they learns how to manage the outside world.

These stresses can cause a variety of physical disorders like sleeping problems, irritability; stomach aches, bed wetting, headaches, muscular aches in addition to mental and emotional problems like depression, anxiety, nervosity, anger and temper tantrums.

Yoga for Kids

Yoga is a fantastic activity that may help counter these pressures. When children learn simple methods for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they could navigate life’s challenges with a bit more ease. Learning yoga in an early age promotes body awareness and appreciation of the environment. Physically, it enhances flexibility, coordination and strength in addition to aids concentration and sense of calmness.

The beauty of yoga is that kids of all shapes, sizes, ages and abilities can benefit from the exercises. Children can stretch up to as comfortable as they learn that each and every body is different. Most of the poses have animal names and shapes that could capture the imagination of even the youngest of kids. They can imitate the sounds and movement of the creatures and envision the qualities of the animal. For example when they embrace the lion present, they can feel powerful and courageous, while at the tortoise poise, feel silent and inside their mind in addition to their body.

A growing number of schools are embracing yoga at the moment. A recent study reported that fewer school kids are participating in school sports and are registering for more “fun” non-competitive options like circus skills (juggling) and yoga.

It’s wonderful news that kids and their parents are opting for non-competitive choices in school settings. Yoga is a superb form of exercise for mind, body and mental health and thus a wonderful way for children to remain fit and healthy throughout their lives.

Relaxation Methods

Relaxation can be vital for children’s health and wellbeing. Just a couple minutes every day can help young children feel calm and focused and ready to face daily. Relaxation can help kids sleep as it reduces muscle strain, reduces the speed of breathing and reduces blood pressure. It may also help children’s listening and concentration skills as they feel quiet and can listen to and assimilate information, so giving them better problem-solving skills. Creativity and imagination can be enhanced as children are encouraged to take their heads from their present circumstances and take themselves imaginary journeys in their own minds. Children develop self-esteem and a sense of self worth as they begin to see their qualities and strengths in the quiet.

Here are the most frequent kinds of relaxation methods:

Breathing Exercises

Children can lie on their back and put their hands on their stomachs. As they breathe , their tummy increases and as they breathe out, it is going to fall. Children focus on breathing in and out slowly as they concentrate on the rise and fall of the tummy. This may help kids let go and feel serene and silent.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Children can lie on their backs on in a comfy chair. Starting at the toes, they inhale and relax each limb. As they move up through the body gradually, they will feel relaxed and calm.


Children close their eyes and imagine they’re floating on a cloud or lying on a ship and drifting down the river. They may imagine they are lying in hot sunshine and feeling the warmth in their body or picture that they’re sinking gently into soft sand.