Summer vacations concept, Happy woman with white bikini, hat and shorts Jeans relaxing in hammock on tropical beach at sunset, Koh mak, Thailand

Your partner tells you that you ought to relax. You kids let you chill out already. Your doctor has advised you that you will need to relax. But how? Nobody appears to have that response…. That’s nobody did until today.

You have no time?

I know…. You’re busy, very, very active. You don’t have enough time to do one more thing! You know you need to go to the gym to work out your anxiety but when are you supposed to do that. By the time you arrive home you’re exhausted. All you need to do is veg out in front of the TV for a while before going to bed. Tomorrow you’ll get up and do it all over again. I can clearly see that you’re on edge.

Well guess what? I will require very little of your time. How about 5 minutes or less? In reality I will give you some wonderful tools and tips most of that will take no extra time in any respect. Have I gotten your attention yet? And I guarantee that if you start to implement these tools you may see results. You will discover that you get more done in less time. You will find that you have more energy and your job and your relationships will flourish.

Step One: Become aware of your breath

“Ok, I’m breathing” you tell me. I do it daily. If I didn’t I’d perish. What’s the big deal? The big deal is that most individuals are breathing incorrectly. Chances are you are holding your breath several times during the day without even realizing it. So why is this so significant? Well, your mind requires 25 percent of all the oxygen that you take in. If you’re holding your breath or breathing shallow guess what! That’s right your mind becomes short-changed. Short term memory anyone? Shallow breathing is also related to stress and panic attacks, muscular pain, digestive disorders… I could go on and on, but I believe you’re getting the picture. Get with a coach that specializes in such techniques or buy a program to educate you but learn to use this fabulous instrument your creator gave you!

Oh, and guess what else? Your breath is mobile! You can take it anywhere you go! No special equipment is necessary.

Step Two: Notice the Gifts of Time

No time you tell me? I beg to disagree. When you’re stuck in that traffic jam what do you do? Scream, whine, honk your horn possibly? This is the perfect case of a gift of time. There you’re all alone and you’ve got time just for you. How often does that occur? Here is your present. Are you going to enjoy your time or are you going to squander it away! What an ideal time to practice those breathing techniques you learned. Where else are you given gifts of time? Waiting in line….waiting on hold on the telephone….at the elevator? I will bet you could find hundreds of time presents just waiting for you!

Step Three: Play the Gratitude Game

This is one of my favorites! You can play it by yourself but it’s a great deal more fun with a partner. I play it with my 90 year old Mom many times a week. Some of my customers play with it with their families getting everybody involved. The gratitude game will raise your spirits and leave you with additional energy. By remaining focused on the good in your life you’ll discover that more good things are naturally attracted to you. Consider it, if you had to choose a very long bus ride could you sit next to somebody with a grin on their face or somebody with a scowl? What you send out you’ll get back.

So here is how you play it. The first person says 5 items they are thankful for that day. Next person has a turn making sure to find unique things to be thankful for that the very first. This game can change you from a sour mood to a happy one immediately as you start to understand how truly blessed you are. You will see you are too blessed to be stressed!

Quick Result…

Practicing these three techniques can enable you to unwind and enjoy more of your life. After all is not that what we were supposed to do?