Homemade spa of rose bath salts on a light wooden background. Cosmetics and natural medicine

Women who have reoccurring vaginal yeast infections are aware that the problem may be an ongoing struggle. They don’t just suffer in the noticeable irritation of the disease but can become very frustrated when it yields to a continuing basis.


It is a fungal disease. It can affect many areas of the body and be the principal cause of many unique kinds of symptoms. The primary symptoms of a Candida infection of the vagina are irritable white discharge, discomfort, redness, itchiness, burning and soreness. The Candida organism resides primarily in moist, warm conditions and there are reasons that account for its overgrowth. The fungus naturally happens in the body. However, whenever there is an imbalance of bacteria, the yeast can proliferate. The natural acidity of the vagina prevents the yeast from growing. There are particular conditions which affect this natural protection: the menstrual period, pregnancy, menopause, diabetes or a compromised immune system. Diets high in sugar, carbohydrates, processed foods and food which contain yeasts and molds may promote the overgrowth. Frequent use of antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs and contraceptives disrupt the microflora of the intestines and may result in the overgrowth of Candida.

What to do?

It’s essential that women who suffer with the symptoms make an appointment with their doctor to find out whether the aggravation is a yeast infection or a sexually transmitted disease. The vaginal discharge and soreness may also be symptoms of bacterial or mixed ailments such as vaginosis and trichomoniasis.

Once it’s been determined that the girl has a yeast infection, you will find traditional medical and natural holistic remedies available. Prescriptions include Nystatin, Diflucan and Nizoral. Natural remedies include: caprylic acid, oregano oil, garlic, olive leaf extract, and pau d’arco tea. A diet which reduces sugar, carbohydrates, yeast and mould containing foods and processed foods help to decrease the overgrowth. Probiotics replenish the “good bacteria” and are essential in any program that’s decided upon.


There are four primary Homeopathic remedies which are used in treating vaginal yeast infections. Each can be used for different conditions.

    • Borax: is used when the release is transparent, there’s a scalding sense, irritation and anxiety and once the infection is worse following the period.
    • Calcarea Carbonica: itchy, milky discharge, worse before the period of time, headaches, depression, anxiety, worse for cold and damp weather.
    • Sepia: offensive yellow discharge, excruciating itching and soreness, burning, stinging, tearful, worse for cold and stress.
    • Candida Albicans: This is a nosode. It’s a remedy that’s taken from a Candida organism and prepared homeopathically. The homeopathic principal”like cures like” reflects how this treatment works.


Candida Albicans remedy is the very best remedy for the majority of my customers who suffer with the fungal infection. This remedy together with probiotics may turn the aggravating health issue around fast and stop the recurrence of this disease. The remedy may also be continued after the infection clears up for people who suffer from Candida symptoms elsewhere in the body. An experienced Homeopath can best choose the remedy that’s required for the patient, its potency and its length. The struggle against Candida overgrowth could be obtained.