Sweet peach fruits growing on a peach tree branch in orchard

Have you got a small backyard and want you could indulge in that terrific tasting fruit straight from the tree, not having to endure commercially under ripe, tasteless fruit? Espaliering can help you do that by creating a tree at a two-dimensional plane.

Try it!

Don’t let a little garden dissuade you from realizing your dream of growing fresh fruit from your own tree. This technique of growing trees has been popular in Europe since the Middle Ages and might even have been used in ancient Egypt. Visitors traveling through many European nations have very often thought they were looking at grape vines, which were actually apple or pear trees or any other kind of fruit tree you could cite.

Espaliering (es-pal-yer-ing) lets you create fruit trees from a fence or wall without interfering with open space; it is also possible to use trellising, turn your fruit trees into a fruit bearing hedge. It is possible to successfully develop several fruit trees in a very limited space using this method yet you’ll discover that the fruit is barely compromised.

Visit the local garden and center research what fruit is OK with your community climatic conditions. Some varieties of apple, such as Granny Smith, Jonathan, and Rome Beauty are suggestion bearing fruit and should be avoided as it is far more challenging to maintain these fruiting. Also, avoid fruit trees on standard rootstocks.

Dwarf rootstock

It’s better to begin your initiation into this kind of producing fruit with dwarf rootstock. Apples and pears are the best trees to begin with as they bear fruit for around twenty years (that is a excellent investment). Most of all, their branches are flexible that lets you bend and shape them.

The floor preparation and aftercare of the espalier is the same as for the free standing tree to keep its growth and health. The pruning and shaping of the sort of tree are no longer time consuming than the typical sort of tree. As a matter of fact, since it is possible to reach and see what you are doing, pruning and harvesting are a great deal easier.

If you will train your trees against a wall or fence place the plants about 8 inches from the wall to promote air flow, but you first want to create support for those trees to be trained on. When you’re starting out the easiest way of espaliering is the flat method but as you become more skillful, or when the bug gets to you, you can try others like Palmette, cordon, verrier, Belgian fence or enthusiast.

What you are attempting to do is train your fruit trees to grow horizontally like how grape vines are grown on wood, metal or wire. To grow against a fence or wall use eye screws firmly set in horizontal lines. The initial horizontal cable should be 15 inches above floor level, then space the others 14-18 inches apart to a height of approximately 6 feet, or whatever height you are comfortable with, and thread them with 14 gauge galvanized wire.

Alternatively, if you would like a free standing fruit hedge, build a wooden frame or stretch 14 gauge cable fixed between 4×4 articles about 15 foot apart, with the cables running horizontally 14- 18 inches apart. You may make the construction to suit your own specifications.

You’re now ready to gather and plant your fruit trees, the perfect being a 1 year old that has been grafted onto dwarf inventory; these are known as “whips” since they don’t have any branches in this early stage. Choose wintertime to start off your fruit trees once the plant is dormant.

Do This!

Plant the trees about 15 feet apart and about 8 inches from the wall, then you will need find a pot about 18 inches from floor level and cut the timber above it.

Come spring time let 3 buds simply to develop, the top one is made to set itself as the main trunk, select a set of buds opposite each other to form the bottom limbs, and as they grow, train the shoots by gently bending the young shoots to grow vertically along the bottom wire using ties to hold them into the desired shape. Tie the branches into position as soon as possible since it’s a lot simpler to work with supple shoots than mature woodier branches.

Follow this example annually until you have reached the height you need and then prune off the back flush with the top tier of side branches. Now the tree is established, maintain the desired shape and make certain ahead or backward shoots are eliminated or any branches which don’t fit into the pattern.

A normal espalier will be 6-8ft tall with 3-4 sets of branches and it’ll usually take between 5-7 years to make this structure and begin harvesting fruit.


As you become accomplished in the art of espaliering, you may want to enhance your fruit collection. Apricots, Plums, Cherry trees respond well to this sort of pruning; however as their branches aren’t so flexible they’re usually trained into various patterns.