Detail with chicken pox rash at the back of body

Body acne is more prevalent than you think. If you’re feeling alone and victimized due to acne, you’re not. Countless others are suffering from acne and want to get a perfect acne treatment that will eliminate their acne once and for all. While professional acne remedies work amazingly well, some folks are seeking a more natural approach. For all of youpersonally, natural people out there, I’ve gathered a list of best acne repairs you can do in your home.

Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV does wonders to the skin. It helps to treat an assortment of skin problems and body acne is no exception. It’s a spectacular anti bacterial agent which also balances the PH levels of the epidermis. Just be certain that you’re not applying it directly to your skin, instead you’re using a diluted version. Dab a cotton swab and apply it to your skin. Leave it on overnight and wash off in the morning.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an effective antiseptic. When applied to the acne, it kills bacteria and dries out the pimples without being overly harsh on your skin. If you have extremely sensitive skin, you may even mix it in with a olive oil and apply it to your acne. Just make certain that you’re not employing the oil all over your skin, instead you’re spot treating the pimples.

Green Tea Rinse

Green tea is a potent antioxidant. Apart from its gazillion other advantages. It makes it possible for you to treat acne easily and efficiently. Drinking two cups of green tea a day will decrease inflammation in the body that will eventually lead to reduced acne. You may also use green tea as a toner for those areas which break out the most. Just prepare some green tea and keep it in a spray bottle. Every time after you shower, spray it all over your body.

Baking Soda Scrub

This scrub is powerful so you want to make certain you’re not using it more than once weekly. It comprises a high concentration of alkaline and may be too rough for your skin if used too. Mix two tbsp. of baking soda with water until it forms a thick paste. Apply it to the areas affected by acne and wash away the dirt and dead skin cells. Make certain that you use a light hand when doing this.

Honey and Turmeric Mask

Honey moisturizes skin and garlic helps with sebum production, brightens skin and prevents discoloration. Take 2 tbsp. Of honey and a teaspoon. of turmeric. Mix the two together and apply it to your skin. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat this twice weekly. Note that if these natural remedies did not work for you, you could always resort to specialist acne remedies.


The toothpaste hack may also serve you well as an inexpensive overnight remedy. Apply it to your own acne at night and wash it off in the morning. Repeat it every day until all of your pimples are gone. Note that this is only going to dry out the present pimples but won’t stop any potential pimple formation. For, that, you will want a professional opinion and a professional acne therapy.