Young woman scratching her itchy arm. Skin problem.

Skin rash or body rash is generally an inflammation on the skin. It results in change in colour and texture of the affected region. Skin or body rash might be caused by irritation, disease or an allergic response. Allergies could be to plants, food, chemicals, animals, insects or other environmental variables. This sort of skin rash can affect the whole body or be area specific. Eruptions on the skin of the trunk are called Back Rash. Though not all body rashes are infectious, some might be.


The signs of skin rash include small, red itchy or non-itchy lumps on the skin. The affected person also feels a burning or stinging feeling on the affected place. Sometimes skin may get cracked or blistered. Skin rash could occur as a consequence of many different reasons. Consequently, its treatment also varies widely based on its causes. Diagnosis must consider such matters as the appearance of the rash, other symptoms, what the individual might have been subjected to, job, and occurrence in family members. Therefore, it’s of extreme importance to choose what category the rash falls into.


Scaly, itchy skin spots usually represent one of those skin rash conditions called eczema. Atopic dermatitis is possibly the most frequent form of eczema. This is a hereditary skin problem which frequently starts in childhood as chapped cheeks and scaly patches on the scalp, arms, legs, and torso. In atopic dermatitis, the skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed, causing redness, swelling, cracking, weeping, crusting, and scaling.

Contact dermatitis

It is an often-misused term that refers to some rash caused by contact with a particular substance which cause allergy on the skin. Common examples are poison ivy and reactions to costume jewelry containing nickel. Contact dermatitis affects only those areas of the skin touched by whatever substance causes the allergy.

When diseases appear as rashes, the most frequent offenders are parasites or bacterial infections. Fungal infections have nothing to do with hygiene as clean men and women get them too. Despite their reputation, fungal rashes aren’t commonly caught from dogs or other animals, nor are they readily transmitted in showers, spas, showers, or locker rooms. Typically they’re not highly contagious between people . In the category of skin rashes caused by fungal infection, impetigo is the most frequent name. Impetigo is caused by staph or strep germs and is far more common in children than adults.

Viral rash is another selection of skin rash brought on by viral infections. Viral rashes are more often symmetrical and everywhere in your body. Patients with such rashes may or may not have other viral symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or a stomach upset. Viral rashes usually last a few days to a week and go way by themselves.

Skin rash is extremely common and emotionally damaging. The sad part is that people don’t understand it can be treated readily. In the event of skin rashes not due to infections, it’s ideal to prevent the particular cause, such as the allergy inducing substance. However, the most skin problems are caused by bacterial infection in skins oil glands. This may happen often because of an overproduction of oils through a hormonal imbalance. Therefore, its treatment requires something that may penetrate and kill the germs. There are lots of medications that may work but some cause more harm than good.

Colloidal silver

It is the all natural, safe and affordable solution for the treatment of skin rashes. It acts as a neighborhood antibiotic and also a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It thus kills the germs causing the issue and also gets rid of the red, itching inflammatory reaction! Colloidal silver has proven itself useful from all species of fungi, parasites, bacteria, protozoa, and certain viruses. Colloidal silver is the only form of silver which can be used safely as a nutritional supplement. It’s absorbed into the tissues at a slow enough rate that’s non irritating to the tissues. Unlike antiseptics, it doesn’t destroy tissue cells.

Off late, the above properties of colloidal silver have been integrated in soap production to good use. Equipped with antimicrobial properties of colloidal silver, these soaps work miracle on many skin conditions, especially on skin rashes. Most skin rashes react quickly to good levels of colloidal silver, as it’s not only both powerful antibacterial and antiviral actions but also is an immunosupressor for several ailments. The frequent type of skin rashes, such as poison ivy, oak and sumac all evoke an immune system over response, with skin irritation, itching and frequently blisters or oozing sores. Regular use of soap containing colloidal silver immediately stops these responses, for blessed relief. The exact same usually occurs with other skin rashes.


Rashes, including blistering types, are often because of what we put on our skin. One cause is soap since it could contain an artificial compound that produces an adverse response. For those who have a rash difficulty, it’s advisable to use the sort of soap that’s 100 percent natural or at least one that’s unscented. A rash can be washed with a mixture composed primarily of aloe vera, together with colloidal silver, bee propolis, pau d’arco, and purified water. Then, wrap the area with gauze that’s kept slightly moist, so the mixture remains on the rash. After four or five hours, the rash should start to heal.

It’s worth mentioning that any external disease of skin requires a lengthy time to wash out, though it may seem to be treated in days! Internally, the blood vessels and lymph bath every cell every few minutes but bacteria have many unreachable hiding spots in skins layers, hair follicles and pores, and they are on clothes or pillow and therefore infect again as frequently is the case. Further, a skin rash or eruptions might lead to deep tissue damage, which will take some time to fix, since human skin cells live about 35 days before replacement.